To give you a scale of the pandemic right now. This year will be the worst for homicides in two decades. We’ll lose more people to Covid in the next two weeks, most likely, than those lost to homicide all year.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) November 25, 2020
2020/2021 Ski Day 2: Wachusett
My first “real” day of skiing was in-state, at good old WaWa. It’s possible that COVID-19 travel restrictions may mean I don’t ski a single day outside of Massachusetts. I expect to become acquainted with the likes of Berkshire East and Jiminy Peak before too long.
Thanks to COVID-19, skiing at WaWa is a time-restricted, by-reservation-only affair. I bought my slot for the day’s early session, 7:30 to 11:45. Conditions were about what one should expect for an early season day on all-manufactured snow. By about 9:30 what little powder there had been in the middle of the trail was gone, and I kept to the sides, where it had been shoved.