Link of the Day


2019/2020 Ski Day 12: Killington

I took Friday off, driving up to Killington Thursday night. After a bite at a friendly pub I settled down in my room at the ever-practical Killington Motel.

I got up early and made one of the first Gondola cabins.

Blue sky and plenty of room to roam

The snow was in fine shape, but a little more natural stuff would have made things better. They have gone bonkers on snow-making, though, piling on to Superstar and aiming to ski into June.

The Superstar glacier



2019/2020 Ski Day 11: Loon

Biggest day of the year so far. The snow was not ideal, but it was fast.

I spent the last couple of runs making tight turns on the edges of trails, playing in what little powder I could find.

On the deck at Camp III
Break for a cold one